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联投半岛酒店毗邻43万方后官湖,私藏3公里湖岸线和万亩草坪,风光旖旎,环境幽静。酒店建筑面积7.5万方,拥有355间豪华舒适的客房,1700平米无柱式宴会厅,18种规格多样的会议室。酒店高规格的视听设备,先进的会议系统,确保您的各项活动圆满成功。美食荟萃的中西餐厅,格调高雅的威尼斯特色餐厅,设施完备的康乐中心,独有的室内外双泳池及儿童乐园,是您商务会议,休闲度假,亲子游乐的理想之选。 酒店地理位置优越,坐落于武汉经济开发区核心区域,近邻主干道东风大道,接驳地铁3号线,6号线,有轨电车T1线直达,交通便利。便捷的地理位置及优越的生态环境真正实现商旅客人大隐于市,临湖而居的高品质入住体验。 Liantou Peninsula Hotel Introduction Liantou Peninsula Hotel with lake view in Wuhan. It occupies a prime location of the peninsula close to the Houguan Lake. With a total building area of 75,000 square meters, Liantou Peninsula Hotel is equipped with 355 capacious elegant guest rooms, 1,700 square meters pillar-free banquet center, and 18 meeting rooms. The hotel with professional audio-visual equipment and advanced meeting system will ensure the success of each of your activity. Yunxuan Chinese Restaurant, Lishui Western Restaurant, Venice Specialty Restaurant, Fitness center, Swimming pool, indoor and outdoor kid’s zone, as well as luxurious supporting facilities. This hotel is the ideal
